Whistle while you work
Harry (age 9) and Owen (age 8)
Last week, I was packing up to drive home after a fun visit to St. George. It was a school day for the family, and the two older kids, Marilyn and Jeff were off to school early. I was upstairs packing my things, when I heard Harry come up the stairs. It was time for him to get ready for school. Something he has told me he doesn’t like to do. So, it made me smile to hear him switch on his music and blast it while he dressed. I had to sneak a peek and I watched him wiggle and dance around as he packed his backpack, brushed his teeth, did his hair and fill his water bottle.
It was sort of astounding to see the joy he had, listening to the music he loved, helping him get going on a new day. He had developed a strategy to help make the boring or hard thing he “had” to do, a little more doable. A few days later, at home I found myself with a full list of chores to do and I decided to try Harry’s approach. With “Chicago” and “The Bee Gees” blasting away, my work was done quickly! I’d forgotten how a little thing like music can be such a motivator! Something that uplifts me even while doing the chores of life. Somewhere in my mind, I’ve relied on a much used strategy of “head down and push through”. It has served me well, but not everything in life has to be like that. Sometimes you can find ways to make the simple chores of life a little more fun and joyful. If only we remember that this is available to us.
Music is one way . . . A Diet Coke from DK’s is another. There are a million ways to make it more joyful. It doesn’t all have to be a hard.
Try infusing a little joy into your to do list. See what happens!