What do you see?
All that I have seen
teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
-Ralph Waldo Emmerson
After 5 years of working with an oncologist that I love… my insurance company suddenly required me to change practices. It was heartbreaking and incredibly emotional for me. November is my 5 year mark and I only had the final rounds of tests and one last appointment before I could declare that I was past the hurdle of breast cancer. (I know you are never all the way past it, but 5 years is a significant marker.) I felt like the finish line had been moved in a most unfair and cruel way. Starting with a new doctor was not what I wanted to do, but …what choice did I have?
Can you guess what happened next? Dr. Pathak was extraordinary. She took 90 minutes with me because she wanted to get to know me before she advised me. She had new ideas, wonderful recommendations and was warm and kind. All that angst melted away. In fact, what I thought was a cruel twist of fate, became a huge blessing for me. I’ve been thinking about that immense amount of wasted energy and emotion. The fear and pain I created about a doctor I had never met. I wish I had remembered this important question, that can get us out of a cycle of spiraling thoughts. What if this is happening for me, instead of to me? It helps our brains move to a place of finding evidence that supports us, rather than evidence that keeps us in as a victim of life’s circumstances. How powerful is that?
I’m learning (albeit slowly) to follow Ralph Waldo Emmerson’s advice. “All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.”
What is happening for you in your life? Life Coaching can help.