Thanksgiving… I’m a little worried

I’m gearing up for Thanksgiving, we’ve got the google doc going, the menu of course is set and we’ve heard from some out of town relatives, who we’ve invited to join us this year.  I’m flipping between gratitude and overwhelm, and I know both feelings are coming from my thoughts and not the circumstances circling around me. 

On the one hand….  I love Thanksgiving, because who doesn’t love a holiday where all we have to do is think about our blessings and eat a lot?  These things are easy, these are things I like to do and want to do.  Gathering friends and loved ones, preparing a predictable menu that most everyone loves, being thankful …  there really is nothing hard about Thanksgiving.

On the other hand … there is lots to do and I want it all to go well.  I want everyone to be happy and get along.  I want it to be a wonderful weekend of fun.   I want the meal to be perfect and ….. even just reading this, I bet you are starting to feel some overwhelm too.  

This is the power of my thoughts.  The expectations in my head about how it all  “should” go.  I wonder why I put these thoughts on myself?  I try to shake them loose a bit with a few questions… “What happens if it doesn’t go as planned? (spoiler alert: it will all be absolutely fine)  Instead of wanting everyone to be happy, I play with some new ideas and thoughts, “what if I just allow everyone to feel how they want to feel?  Where can I enlist help?  How can I make this weekend fun and easy for myself?”  These questions give my brain just enough wiggle room to consider alternatives to overwhelm.  With a little more thought and consideration, I can create even a little … dare I say… enthusiasm for Thanksgiving.  And with this… gratitude comes easily. 

Watch your thoughts and challenge them when they are creating pain or unnecessary suffering for you.  You really do have so much control over how you feel, through your thinking.  

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 


Grace and Growth

