People that make things better.
I have three grown children and three grown children in law, all of whom are really incredible people. I mean, seriously . . . they are really great and I love them to bits. Right now, each of them are doing some really hard things in their lives. Nothing too crazy, just the regular hard things of life. Raising a young family, being pregnant with a new little one, working on a new job, health issues, church responsibilities, summer with lots of kids at home … all the things.
As I think about them and pray for them, I have to say I have a lot of gratitude that they have each other in all of this. I know they talk with each other and listen to each other. I love that they call me, but I love that they call each other more. I listen to how they reach out to others too and depend on a community of friends as well and it has me thinking about how important it is to have a tribe. What I want to do is live next door to them and be a full time helper in their lives. But I realize that isn’t what they need and it makes me even more grateful for their tribes.
I’ve had several tribes as I’ve gone through my life. I don’t know how I would have raised my own kids without the recess/lunch discussions I had around the lunch table in the teacher’s lounge. We talked about it all, and laughed and cried with each other every day. I’ve also had a community at my church, a tight knit few close and long time friends, I’ve got a funny group of 80 somethings at the FamilySearch Center and lately even on the pickleball court I have a group. I’m thinking about how I can create a deeper connection with some of these groups. I think I hold back with all of them a little. It is going to take effort and vulnerability. Ugh. But as hard as that is, I know it will be worth it.
I think it is good for the soul.