An Act of Balance
Are you open to the possibility of a beautiful balanced life?
I am constantly rethinking the balance in my life. It is so easy to become lopsided and just when I think that I’m all set, things change and I find myself running in a direction or spending time in a place I don’t want to be. Small adjustments over time can create big shifts, some in good ways, sometimes in ways that cause me to get off center. I love this quote:
“Balance is not something you find, it is something you create”
In this hectic world, it is easy to think that the circumstances are causing our feelings. It is the busy schedule, the money, the relationships, the illnesses, the responsibilities, that all cause us to run faster than we have strength. In these times, it is important to know that we have power.
Even if we only use that power to breathe and find a moment of calm, we still have the power to create what we want for ourselves in our lives. I’m not saying this is easy. It takes constant awareness and adjustment. The reward for this type of vigilance is a more meaningful life. A chance to slow down and feel the balance of feelings. Instead of just feeling the stress and discouragement, you can also feel the joy and calm.
I think the journey is worth it! Let me know how I can help!