Abundance of Spirit
I am so excited to announce… This week I got my 5 year check up and I am Cancer Free! Hooray! I didn’t think that this was weighing on me until I passed that milestone and suddenly, it wasn’t weighing on me anymore. Once the doctor said those words “cancer free”, I felt so much lighter. There is a lot to unpack here, (you can imagine the thoughts swirling around my head) but for now, I just want to take a moment and share my gratitude.
I am blessed by so much love in my life and I’ve been thinking this morning that the idea of love and abundance isn’t really meant for material things at all. It is meant for connection and meant for sharing ourselves with others. I can’t begin to thank the many many people who shared their love with me during the past few years, but I know I’m a better person because of it. . It all was a part of my healing and now is something that I’ll carry with me always.
I’ve written before about some of the gifts of cancer, but I think the biggest one is love. I’m feeling the love all over again and sending it your way.
Wishing you lots of abundance and love this season,